The Benefits of Using Red Light Therapy for Golfers

If you’re an avid golfer, then you definitely understand that playing the game can lead to some unfortunate injuries. In fact, there are several common golf injuries that you’ll need to be aware of, including golfer’s elbow, knee pain and wrist tendonitis. That doesn’t mean you should stop hitting the green, though. Instead, it simply means that you’ll need to embrace the good and bad of taking your best shot.
Of course, there are some things you can do to greatly reduce your risk of suffering from a serious injury. For instance, you could try red light therapy for sports injuries to treat the pain. Read on to learn more about this innovative option for addressing the pain associated with golfer’s or tennis elbow, along with many other injuries that can prevent you from playing your best game.
What is Red Light Therapy?
Red light therapy (RLT) takes a low wavelength of red light and uses it to promote healing and tissue repair, helping to provide pain relief. There are many places online where you can find evidence of RLT’s effectiveness. For instance, red light therapy has shown promise in reducing the effects of golf-related issues, and it works even better in tandem with another treatment type.
One of the most interesting things about RLT is that it initially began as a NASA-led experiment with the potential for growing plants in space. Soon, however, it was looked at as a potential way to treat certain wounds. Since then, it’s been shown to produce results on anything from faster muscle recovery to inflammation management, which showcases its wide range of uses.
What Does Red Light Therapy Do?
In addition to helping with a vast array of skincare issues, red light therapy has also shown considerable promise as a treatment for golf injuries. It is especially useful in cases of golfer’s elbow or tennis elbow.
When you develop golfer’s elbow, it will plague you with a number of different painful issues. You may experience stiffness, tenderness, and pain that extends from the inner elbow to your forearm. Numbness and/or tingling in some of your fingers may also be a notable side effect.
The best part about trying red light therapy is that it is fast-acting and non-invasive. By giving yourself a red light therapy treatment, you should notice a reduction in inflammation and pain. It may also restore the arm’s physical function and give back your range of motion. The best part of all is that you’ll receive some relief without adding any new pain on top of it.
Common Injuries Suffered by Golfers
Golf is a fantastic game, but it is also associated with a wide number of different injuries. Using red light therapy for golf-related issues is an option, and treating any of these problems with it is going to help you feel better.
Wrist Tendonitis
Wrist tendonitis is a painful condition that can be caused by gripping your club too tightly, having a poor swing, or not being able to rely on the strength in your wrists and forearms.
Back Pain
This is an extremely common area for golfers to experience pain. Your golf swing uses an asymmetric movement, which can make it difficult to keep your lower back and spine in good shape. Using an incorrect stance will place even more strain on your back and could lead to a serious injury.
Rotator Cuff Injuries
Shoulder pain is often caused by a rotator cuff injury. Failure to properly warm up before swinging your clubs is often at fault for a rotator cuff injury, as is failure to do enough rotator cuff exercises.
Elbow Tendonitis
Also known as tennis elbow when the injury affects the tendon on the outside of the elbow, golfer’s elbow is an injury to the inside part of the elbow. Interestingly, the majority of golfers actually suffer from tennis elbow. This injury is typically caused by the sheer volume of balls a golfer hits or by the golfer using too tight of a grip on their clubs.
Finger Injuries
Finger injuries are commonly caused by hitting something unexpected. For example, taking a bad swing when you’re in a sand trap or hitting a rock you couldn’t see. Another method of sustaining a finger injury is by sheer repetition. If you do the exact same thing too many times in a row, especially without properly warming up, you can easily end up with an injured finger.
Neck Injuries
Were you told to keep your eye on the ball whenever you swing? This well-meaning advice for newbies can end up injuring you as it makes you tense up your muscles.
Hip Injuries
Golfers often slide their hips as they swing, and this can cause hip injuries. Instead, you’ll want to start your swing off by using your lower body, particularly when it comes to your lower spine and hips. This can help prevent any serious injuries to your hip.
Knee Pain
There are a variety of different knee problems that can weigh down your golf game. It happens to the very best too, as Tiger Woods has famously suffered from knee pain. It’s usually caused by the knee’s cartilage breaking down. This can happen due to the amount of walking that happens during a game. There are also injuries such as a torn ACL and knee tendonitis that may occur in the lead leg of your swing.
Ankle Injuries
Tendonitis can affect your ankle after playing in wet conditions or on a course that’s got poor upkeep.
Foot Injuries
Using inadequate support in your golf shoes or having flat feet can easily lead to tendonitis. It can also be caused by having a poor foot structure, and you may even get blisters, too.
Red Light Therapy for Sports Injuries
Infrared red light therapy is unable to be seen with the naked eye. However, as long as you try this type of therapy, it can stimulate the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production. Red light therapy actually speeds up the process of healing by making extra ATP. In turn, ATP allows your body’s cells to produce energy, which is critical to proper functionality.
Unlike the majority of similar treatments, RLT doesn’t actually use any heat. This prevents the treatment from causing any type of burning sensation. What you’ll experience instead is a red light emitted from LED bulbs. This will make your body’s tissues activate cellular activity. As a result, you’ll have more oxygenation and improved blood flow.
This painless, non-invasive way to treat injuries will lead to less inflammation and better healing. In other words, you can use red light therapy for foot pain, arm pain, and a number of other sports injuries.
Find Healing Through Red Light Therapy for Golf Injuries
Wherever you’re suffering from golf-related injuries, red light therapy for athletes can help! You can use our FDA-cleared Red Light Therapy Foot Pain Relief Device to relieve the pains and aches of neuropathy, Achilles Tendonitis, arthritis, and much more.
Red light therapy provides a great opportunity to return to your former, injury-free self. Per the FDA, this product is effective and safe to use in your own home when used as directed. Simply use our drug-free, all-natural device no more than three times per day. Each 20-minute session will get you closer to feeling pain free, and many people experience significant relief after the first session.
This clinically proven, scientifically sound method for reducing pain is 100% guaranteed to satisfy. If, however, you aren’t satisfied with the results, or it proves defective in materials or workmanship during your everyday use, you can return our over-the-counter Class II medical device for a replacement or full refund.
Visit our website to learn more and to give our Red Light Therapy Foot Pain Relief Device a try today!